- 1955,57 Zwemmer Gallery, London
- 1956 St Georges Gallery, London
- 1960 Bear Lone Gallery, Oxford
- 1964 Editions Alecto, London
- 1965 Balclutha Gallery, London
- 1967,68 Zaydler Gallery, London
- 1971,86 Oxford Gallery, Oxford
- 1973 Raimondi Gallery, Milan
- 1974 Polytechnic of Central, London
Morley College, London
- 1979 limited Editions, London
- 1984 Graffiti Gallery, London
- 1985 Le Cadre Gallery, Hong Kong
- 1985 87 Redfern Gallery, London
- 1990 Royal College of Art, London
The Scottish Gallery, London
- 1991 Eva Jekel Gallery, London
Musée du Touquet-Paris-Plage
- 1993 Musée du Touquet-Paris-Plage
- 1994 Art First, London
New Academy Gallery London
- 1995 Art First, London
- 1996 New Academy Gallery, london
- 1997 Gallerie Mischkine, Lille
Art First, London
- 2010 Gallerie Emeraude,Touquet-Paris-Plage
- 2014 Emma Mason gallery