- 1951 New Editions Group,Auckland,New Zealand
- 1952-54,78 Redfern Gallery, London
- 1956 Nutida Engelsk Grofik, Stockholm
- 1957 National Arts Council of Southern Rhodesia
'Looking at People', South London Art gallery
- 1959 Tel Aviv Museum, Israel
Arte Britonico Maderno Figurotiro,
Galeria,Buchloz, Bogota
The London Group
- 1960 Graven Image, Whitechopel Gallery, London
Sixteen Pointers, A I.A. Gallery, London
- 1961 Museo de Arte, Barcelona
Senfelder Group, Arts Council, London
- 1962 Towards Art Gulbenkian,R.C.A .London
Contemporary British Pointers, Birmingham
- 1964-66 Curwen Gallery
- 1966 Crabowski Gallery, London
- 1967 A.A.A. Gallery, New York
Schuman Gallery, New York
1968 Camden Arts Centre, London
1969 Pratt Centre, New York
Art for lndustry, Arts Council, London
1970 University of South Florida, Miami
1971 Portland Museum,Oregon
1972 Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada
1976 R.C.A.Printmakers,Waddington Gallery,London
1988 'Exhibition Road',R.C.A,London
1989 Berkeley Square Gallery, London
1989,90 Austin Desmond Gallery, london
1990 Scottish Gallery, London
1991 Big Little Picture-Show,W.Jackson,London
1992 'Winter Seen III',W.Jackson Gallery,London
1993 1 st Egyptian Print Triennale, Giza, Egypt
1994 Art '94, london, with Art First
La Galerie du Touquet (with Alain Morcot)
1995 Art '95, London, with Art First
1996 Art '96, London, with Art First
New Academy Gallery, london
1997 Art '97, london, with Art First
3 Years On', Art. First, London